Poached Stuffed Fillet of Plaice

Poached Stuffed Fillet of Plaice

Serves: 10


  • 10 x 110g – 120g plaice fillets
  • Half bunch spring onions chopped
  • 25g plain flour
  • 80ml cold water
  • 200ml Millac Double Gold
  • 1 tsp English Mustard
  • 50g strong cheddar cheese
  • seasoning salt and ground black pepper


Place the Millac Double Gold into a thick bottomed pan and bring to the boil

Mix the flour and water together  and whisk into the Millac Double Gold

Bring back to the boil then remove from the heat

Mix in the English mustard cheddar cheese and season

Spoon into ice cube trays 30 x 10g pellets and place in the freezer

Remove the skin from the fish, lay flat on a board and place spring onion and one frozen cheese sauce pellet on each fillet

Roll up each fillet and place on a piece of cling film, roll the fillet tightly in the cling film twisting the ends, bring the ends over the top and tie together

Place in simmering water for fifteen minutes then remove and rest for two minutes

Remove from the cling film and serve

Poached Stuffed Fillet of Plaice

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