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Mexican Lasagne

Serves: 4
- 100ml Millac Gold Single
- 500g Beef Mince
- 1 Large Onion
- 500g Passatta Sauce
- 150g Frozen Sweetcorn
- 415g Baked Beans
- 500g Tortilla Chips
- 5g Oregano
- 5g Cumin
- 150ml Crème Fraiche
- 6 Flatbreads
- 500g Grated Cheese
Sweat the onion followed by the beef mince until cooked.
Add the oregano and cumin and cook out.
Add the sweetcorn followed by the baked beans and the tomato sauce. Season well.
Layer the mixture up as per a normal lasagne with the flatbreads replacing the lasagne sheets.
Mix the crème fraiche with the Millac Gold Single and half the cheddar. Pour the mixture over the top of the layered mince.
Crush the tortilla chips and sprinkle over the top of the sauce followed by a sprinkle of cheese.
Place in the oven at 180°C for approx. 30mins until fully heated.